Friday, June 12, 2009

Another one bites the dust

Another butternut squash is gone :(

My hopes for a good autumn crop is fast fading.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

trouble in the squash camp

Well I'm not sure what went wrong with the butternuts. They were doing so well and now ... well, who knows! One of them went very leggy and kept falling over, so I pulled that one up. That left three. I have put 2 outside, with a cane in each to try and stop them falling over. The final one has not flown the nest yet, still sitting on the kitchen window ledge. But it is not looking happy - one of the leaves has withered.

The courgette plant has also joined the outside bunch, now sitting in a new bigger pot. Its roots had totally outgrown the small pot it came in - let's hope that I repotted it in time and that it will take to its new home.

The beetroots are looking the best so far - unfortunately they are the one vegetable I have no idea what to do with once they are grown!!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

thinning out

Well the time has come to thin my little seedlings out. Seems such a shame after they've made all that effort to grow and everything! But the carrots, lettuces and beetroots have now been thinned, as it were, although maybe not as much as they should be ... it just seems so heartless!

Monday, June 01, 2009

A week's growing

Well the plants have survived a week while we were away! And they are looking good ...

The ones in the kitchen have flourished thanks to a friend's watering. The courgette is looking good - as are the butternut squash, though they are not as big as I expected...

I was amazed at the plants outside though! I can actually tell which are the lettuces and which is the beetroot!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Growing, growing...

hopefully not gone!

Our four butternut squash seedlings have grown to about 10 cm and really need to be potted into separate pots now ... hopefully a trip out tomorrow will provide me with enough soil to do that job. We have also gained a courgette plan from a work colleague to add to the veggie fun!

The lettuce and beetroot are coming along nicely, still very small seedlings but they look like they should survive (with some good watering - first the big downpours and now its really hot!). The only problem with them is that, at the moment, I'm not sure what is lettuce and what is beetroot.

I'm not convinced on the carrots at the moment. There are some seedlings there, but for all I know they could be weeds. There isn't a lot to look at, and, same as the beetroot and lettuce, they're going to need some good watering.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Little butternut seedlings

Well, still no sign of the carrots, lettuce or beetroot unfortunately (and there has been a LOT of rain), but progress on the squash front!

Two really strong looking seedlings have poked their heads above the surface, which puts the first green shoot to shame (maybe we planted one the wrong way round - to be honest, I did read the instructions AFTER Lillia had planted them all!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rain issues

Showers of rain at the moment, so hopefully all good for the seeds. BUT my worry is now ... heavy rain forecast tonight! My tubs don't have holes in the bottom. Will they get waterlogged and all die?!?! I'm considering dragging them into the house in order to protect them, or is that a bit daft?